Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Taking It To The Next Level With AUSL And CPS

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Crippling the Right to Organize

Monday, December 19, 2011

50 Facts About the American Economy That Will Surprise You;_ylt=AuE2WOfzFJaiGzDbXgEyMqjzWed_;_ylu=X3oDMTRvOGpncHZwBGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDTmV3cyBmb3IgeW91BHBrZwMzNWExNDU0OS1kOGExLTMxNGItODg1Zi1iNjU2ZTZlNjQwMWEEcG9zAzEEc2VjA25ld3NfZm9yX3lvdQR2ZXIDYmRkNWVhODAtMmEwZC0xMWUxLTllZWYtMTY3NGQ2ZWFiZDU0;_ylg=X3oDMTJybjZsMGFmBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDNzExZjhhOWYtZmVhOS0zZTRhLWExNTgtYWVkN2E0OWM3ZWQyBHBzdGNhdAN1cwRwdANzdG9yeXBhZ2UEdGVzdAM-;_ylv=3

According to the Huffington Post, Obama's Education Plan Gets an F

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Life in a Post Racial Era For Teachers

According to The Illinois State Board of Education African Americans have lost between 8-10,000 Teachers since the passing of the 1995 Amendatory Act.( When Mayor Daley took control of the school board. ) AA Teachers were 54% of the teaching force of about 25,000 teachers. 13,500 strong. ( We don't have actual numbers for 11995 yet.)  In 2000 they had dropped to 40.6% of 23,723 totaling 9,631. In 2011 they have dropped to 19.5% of 22,257 totaling 4,340. . In the last 10 years loosing 5,231 teachers. AA teachers have been fired, e'3rd brought up on bogas unsubstantiated charges 80% more than anyone else. I thank God that he has allowed me to experience this injustice. I will not retreat until we expose these racist trends that are going on in every large urban district in the country. Tomorrow I'll post student data and the purging of AA students.

Charter School Agency's Funding Raises Questions

Monday, December 12, 2011


Dear Alderman Sposato:

I am writing to you not as a direct constituent but as an extremely concerned resident of the city of Chicago.  I am a Chicago Public School teacher, a member of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU).  I live in the 19th Ward and teach in the 10th Ward.  I am also a member of CORE (Caucus of Rank and File Educators) within the CTU.

UNO literally means "one."  It originally stood for "United Neighborhood Organization," but I think that translating it as "ONE" is presently much more accurate given what the organization and its political connections have created in the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) over the past decade.  It also has come to represent ONE word in the city of Chicago: SEGREGATION.  UNO schools have literally been and are set up for ONE race in the city - Hispanics.

According to the 2011 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) School Report Card (page 1), UNO (which has many schools but is presently still lumped together into one data file on this report card) had an enrollment of 4,328 students: of those, 95% were Hispanic; 0.7% White; 2.7% Black; and 0.2% Asian.  This is not exactly "open enrollment" at its finest in the city of Chicago or within CPS, which according to the same Report Card had an overall Hispanic student population of 43.7%.  It is ONE word: SEGREGATION.  And this PUBLIC SCHOOL SEGREGATION completely benefits a PRIVATE organization (UNO).

UNO schools, according to the ISBE School Report Card (pages 25-26), are NOT making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).  Although I completely question and challenge the data used to measure AYP in our schools, the fact remains that UNO does not do any better on the measurement than the rest of us.

According to the 2011 School Report Card (page 1), and though, again, I question and challenge how these numbers are derived for all our schools, UNO's schools have significantly higher class sizes completely across the board (Kindergarten through Grades 9-12) than the Subregion, the District (Chicago), and the State.  What this indicates is that for all the monetary flow heading into UNO, UNO is not spending its ample financial resources on classroom teachers and therefore, one might argue, the children/students in those UNO classrooms.  And if and when they do spend any of their money on teachers, their teachers are NOT UNION MEMBERS.

UNO = UNION-BUSTING.  The "Chicago Tribune" editorial writers (aka the spokespersons for the 1%) are about PRIVATIZATION and UNION-BUSTING, NOT: public school children, public education, and unionized labor (read: employees who have minimal protections when and if they point out things that are wrong in the schools, and employees who work under mostly well-established-over-time and much needed city and state policies/rules/regulations/laws/etc.).  UNO = FIRE AT WILL.

Personally and professionally, I am deeply troubled by what I witnessed on two occasions from UNO and its supporters who attended CPS functions.  At one CPS done-deal, public-school-closing-for-UNO-to-takeover meeting, their leader, Juan Rangel, ever-so-slightly nodded his head (with a look of utter disgust on his face toward the microphone) and the UNO members in the room got up and walked out as supporters of the public school being closed began to speak; the person who was speaking at the time literally had to stop, as had everyone else in the room, and wait for the completion of an outrageously rude exodus.  UNO and its supporters did not stay to hear anything from the other side.

At another hearing held at the Board of Education for a proposed UNO expansion, I witnessed as one of the UNO leaders literally just quietly said, "Sit."  All the UNO supporters obediently sat; just as they must have obediently stood on cue.  Because UNO is able to turn out pretty impressive numbers of people for any hearings, etc., this has an impressive effect, unless it more-so troubles than impresses you as it does me.  However, although the supporters brought out by UNO to attend such events sit, stand, and move on command, by percentages I witnessed very very few (if any) of said UNO supporters actually speak for themselves or their children at the hearings I attended.

In the 10th Ward, troubling rumors are flying around that the new school being build for an overcrowded neighborhood public school (Gallistel) is going to be given to UNO.  (Alderman John Pope had already approved, and thus opened up the charter school flood gates, for another charter operation further north.)  It would totally fit their pattern: find an area with an overcrowded concentration of Hispanic students and siphon them off, SEGREGATE THEM, into an UNO school, with CPS and UNO all the while proudly and publicly claiming that UNO "serves" the Hispanic community in such a manner, as opposed to stating that UNO is taking advantage of a problem that public education leaders are choosing not to address (to the benefit of UNO).

The very serious question that needs to be asked of UNO and all of Juan Rangel's political supporters is this:  How does such SEGREGATION serve the city of Chicago or the United States of America or just public education in general in the new millennium?  Answer: It doesn't.

Please take a stand against the destruction of public education through privatization of the public schools in Chicago.  I think it's why you were voted into office - to stand against the powers-that-be.  From what I heard, I would have voted for you, if I could have.  I celebrated your win.  Please stand for something that has honor (read: NOT UNO/ONE or any of the other privatizers falsely claiming to care about children and their education in the city of Chicago and anyone, such as parents who want something better for their children, who might out of desperation and ignorance believe them.)

Thank you for your present service to our city and for your previous service as a firefighter.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

African American Teachers Drop to 19.5 % from over 51% in the late 90'[s

Today I had a CAUSE meeting at Operation PUSH. I pulled data from the ISBE interactive report card. Guess what? African American teachers are only 19% of teachers in District 299. In 1996 they were 51%. Of the 15 schools to Turn-Around
or close 14 are in AA Communities. So next year were lucky if we have 5% AA teachers. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Teacher DATA=-

Student DATA-
Illinois Interactive Report Card Web site - the premier web site for test results and other school accountability information for Illinois schools.


Parents, Teachers, Clergy and Community   Let’[s Support our School Communities    
          You Need Us BE- C.A.U.S.E.  !

CAUSE has an EXPERIENCED team to educate you about saving your school.
CAUSE has EXPERIENCED former CTU union officials waiting to help your school.
CAUSE has EXPERIENCED Union leaders who have ran successful campaigns to save Beidler School, Bouchet, Tilton and Marconi from being consolidated or turned around.  
ALSO;  Do you know a teacher who has been terminated from 2005- 2011?
Did you know that teachers teaching in minority communities are terminated 10X more than anyone else? Are you tired of being the target of firings by race and school closings?
Did you know that African American teachers have been terminated at a ratio of over 100:1 and that they have dropped from 51% to 27% since the late 90’s. ?
(They have been e-3rd given unsatisfactory ratings and charged more than anyone else)
Have you faced race and age discrimination on your job?
Are you aware that the current union leaders have supported and signed Senate Bill 7 where teachers right to seniority, tenure, extended school day and the right to strike have been diminished? Join the fight for your jobs, pension, seniority, tenure collective bargaining rights.
           Let’s UNITE To Fight School Closings and Turn-Arounds.
                         Visit our Blog = http: -//
                      Meet with C.A.U.S.E. every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.
     Where: Operation PUSH - 950 East 50th Street, Chicago Illinois 60617              
      Rosita Chatonda, Founding President of C.A. U.S.E.-  rcchatonda@yahoo   ( 773)  440-7417
C.A.U.S.E. – “ A New Kind of Teacher for a New Generation of Students”

Monday, December 5, 2011

Link to Catalyst- Teacher Diversity Matters

School Closing Hearings

Nash Elem. -Erie/Cicero
Fri. Jan. 6th @ Austin HS, 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ Austin HS, 6-8pm
Tues. Jan. 25th @125 S Clark, 8-10pm 

Best Practice HS- Adams/Damen
Fri. Jan. 6th @ Creiger/Noble St., 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ Creiger/noble St., 6-8pm
Tues. Jan. 25th @125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm 
Casals Elem.- Division/Homan
Mon. Jan. 30th, @125 S. Clark, 5:30-7:30pm

Doolittle East Elem.- 35th/ King
Fri. Jan. 6th @ Dunbar HS, 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ Dunbar HS, 6-8pm
Thurs. Jan 26th @125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm
CVCA HS -  87th/ Skyway
Fri. Feb. 3rd, @125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm
Crane HS - I-290/ Western
Fri. Jan. 6th @ Malcolm X College., 6-9pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ Malcolm X College, 6-9pm
Tues. Jan. 24th @125 S Clark, 5:30-8:30pm

Dyett HS - 51st / King
Fri. Jan. 6th @ Hayes Center, 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ Hayes Center, 6-8pm
Friday Jan. 27th !125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm

Fuller Elem. - 42nd/ Vincennes
Wed. Feb 1st @ 125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm

Guggenheim Elem.-  71st/ Morgan
Fri. Jan. 6th @ Shiloh Baptist, 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ Shiloh Baptist, 6-8pm
Thurs. Jan. 26th @125 S Clark, 8-10pm

Herzl Elem. - Douglas/ Lawndale
Tues. Jan. 31st @125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm

Lathrop Elem. - 15th/ Christiana
Fri. Jan. 6th @ Collins HS, 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ Collins HS, 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 27th @125 s Clark, 8-10pm

Marquette Elem - 65th/ Sacramento
Mon. Dec. 5th @ Marquette Park Field-house, 4pm *special meeting called by community teachers and parents 
Thurs. Feb. 2nd @125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm
Piccolo Elem. - Thomas/ Kildare
Mon. Jan 30th @125 S Clark, 8-10pm

Price Elem. - 43rd / Drexel
Fri. Jan. 6th @ King HS, 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ King HS, 6-8pm
Mon. Jan 23rd @125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm

Reed Elem. - 63rd / Stewart
Fri. Jan. 6th @ Antioch Baptist, 6-8pm
Fri. Jan. 20th @ Antioch Baptist, 6-8pm
Mon. Jan. 23rd @125 S Clark, 8-10pm

W. Smith Elem. - 103rd/ Cottage Grove
Wed. Feb 2nd @125 S Clark, 8-10pm

Stagg Elem. - 74th / Morgan
Tues. Jan. 31st @125 S Clark, 8-10pm
Tilden HS - 47th / Union
Fri. Feb. 3rd @125 S Clark, 8-10pm

Woodson South Elem. - 44th/ Evans
Wed. Feb. 1st @125 S Clark, 5:30-7:30pm


Friday, December 2, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Superintendent Call on Monday, December 5

Superintendent Update

Dear Superintendents: 
The U.S. Department of Education invites you to our regular conference call for superintendents
and district staff on Monday, December 5, at 2:30 PM EDT. During this call, I will host district-level
staff to present on their work with School Improvement Grants (SIG) and the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF).
There will be time for questions and discussion.


DATE: Monday, December 5, 2011

TIME: 2:30-3:30 p.m. EST / 1:30-2:30 p.m. CST / 12:30-1:30 p.m. MST / 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 


CALL IN #: 1-800-857-4869

PASSCODE: EDUCATION (given verbally)
RSVP: Please RSVP to by COB Friday, December 2 if you or a
designated representative will be able to join the call.
NOTE: In order to accommodate a large number of participants, please only use one line per office.
Also, please call in 10-15 minutes early.
I look forward to joining you on this call and learning more about the great work you are doing in
your districts.

Michael Yudin
Acting Assistant Secretary
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
U.S. Department of Education

Brizard Announces School Closings

School Overhaul Plan A Boon for Private Groups

CPS Names Schools to be Phased Out