Tuesday, June 19, 2012


CAUSE is starting an educational reach out initiative for children . I have been working to bring attention to the EDUCATIONAL HOLOCAUST that is happening to every African American School District across the country. African AMERICAN VETERAN TEACHERS ARE being fired and brought up on unsubstantiated charges, they are being given "unsatisfactory ratings and fired in record numbers and replaced by young white interns. Our unions, both national, state and even local have decided that this isn't a union issue and that they can't do anything for ONE GROUP in isolation because the OTHERS will not appreciate it. So that leaves us with no choice, WE WILL BRING NATIONAL attention to what is going on here in Chicago. It's a cancer spreading throughout the nation. It's equivalent to "Black Genocide"

So our children are also so being victimized. passing them on with a 24% proficiency rating.CPS has purged 50,000 African American students from the system. Parents should be outraged and demand help for their children. We are losing our children to gangs and having discussions at CPS sponsored CACS - Community Action Councils about how we can incarcerate what they call "Thugs , Gang Bangers and Terrorist" . What respectable community would refer to their children in these terms???

People we at Rainbows End , we can do this. WE CAN RECLAIM our educational communities without the help,of CPS's privatization pipeline to prison model. We cab reclaim it without the CTU's " I'll protect the union even if 4, 000 people lose their jobs model" We can do this by developing real parental voice , we must reach out to our children and help save them before the gangs reel them in.

Teachers Summer is out, we desperately need your help to do this. If you are displaced, working, union or non union, we need your expertise ."WE ARE ALL TEACHERS" CAUSE Meets at Operation PUSH Today at 6:00,

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