Sunday, October 30, 2011

According to Catalyst News, CPS Will Use a Special Formula to Close Schools

Chicago schools officials will use a complicated formula to help determine which schools will be closed, consolidated or designated to be turned around.

My interpretation of what the formula is:

Here is the formula for closing;
1. Give students a biased, unfair test standardized on a population of students in rural communities.
2. Blame them for not being able to pass the unfair standardized instrument
3. Lie on their teachers and say they are not doing their jobs.
4. Go to the poorest communities where parents and students are most undeserved and close them.
5. Place 4 Teachers for America ( alternative certification)  interns in one school and watch the scores plummet.
6. Blame the drop in scores on the veteran teachers who stayed in the community when the interns left after 3-4 years.
7. After the young white interns have gotten their free Masters Degree and moved on to the profession of choice, close their schools due to non-performance.
8 In  addition,  E-3  veteran teachers and make up charges so the minority teachers can never work again. 
9 Open a new school and replace minority experienced veteran teachers with 22 year old white college graduates trying to pay off student debt.
 (Make sure they are NOT education majors.) The students will not learn anything and the school will be much easier to close.
10. Tell all the principals not to hire the veteran minority teachers and don't forget, go to the State of Illinois and try to get them to revoke all of the teachers licenses so that the historical record will be destroyed.

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